free vocal exercise, smiling, barbara lewis

A Free Vocal Exercise That Will Make You Smile!

Here´s a free vocal exercise that´s easy on the voice for the earliest part of your warm-up.

(...from the Newsletter Series, ¨Hot Vocal Tips For Smart Singers¨ from Barbara Lewis - FREE SINGING TIP #5 - March 22, 2010. See ALL past Singing Tips here.)

We singers, so eager to get to our gorgeous songs, often miss the the pleasure and the potential for real vocal discovery in the daily warm up. It is here that you set the tone for your vocal day. It´s here that you find the calm co-ordination that makes high notes easily accessible.

Try to create a warm up for yourself that makes you want to do it every day. Start with an exercise that pleases you and does not strain your voice in any way. For some singers, the HUM is magic. And the hum works best if you SMILE - with your lips together, of course! Your tongue is relaxed - your teeth are slightly apart...

THE SIMPLE (yet effective) HUM - click here to be guided in audio

You start in your easy low range and move up into your easy middle range. No straining. No tightening. At this point in your warm up, you are just asking those vocal cords to gently vibrate - with the added benefit of a nice buzzing quality in your face (teeth, gums, nasal area...).


Take A Moment To Be Inspired

Some days, your voice will feel wonderful - some days you may wonder if you will ever get a note out that sounds right. This is how it goes. As you become a better singer, you will discover ways to coax your voice into shape.

Sometimes, during a warm up, if I am feeling a bit ¨blah,¨ I take a few minutes to switch mental gears. I may do some reading about singing or perhaps I´ll listen to another singer whose work I admire.

It´s a wonderful mystery how much we can gain from watching other singers do something well. Sometimes I find that I come back to my own singing in a totally different state of mind, and I sing much better!

The trick is to listen to someone else´s art without feeling that your own ability is in any way diminished. You are finding inspiration for your own improvement.... So listen as an artist.

See if the work of this unique vocalist can inspire you to sing with a greater sense of freedom and fun! Watching him is like absorbing a free vocal exercise! The Rolls Royce of Singing Warm Ups - Inspiration From A Master

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2. A 9-point primer titled, ¨THE RIGHT STUFF - What It Takes To Become A Successful Singer!¨
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REMEMBER! Today´s free vocal exercise is here:

HUM! - a short audio guide

I Wish You Great Singing!

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