Most Of Us Can Learn How To Sing. Find out what it takes, and gives!

how to sing

I'VE BEEN THINKING... about this broad issue of "how to sing" for the last few days.

Most of us can learn how to sing. And most of us can sing much better than we imagined with some know-how (the right vocal exercises) and the willingness to work at it.

In my long experience as a teacher and as a singer, I have noticed that often it is not those with the best voices who go the farthest in music. Rather, it is those who have a good talent and great desire.

When well-taught, singing can bring a lot of benefits into your life, whether you are a happy amateur or an evolving professional.

benefits of singing


• Greater self-confidence. if you have fear of singing, or fear of public speaking, singing lessons can be very helpful. (read - What is Self Esteem?)

• Fuller knowledge about breathing (deep breathing exercises). Click the link below to experience what good breathing is all about. And to watch a video!

Free Breathing Exercise!

• Greater lung capacity (for those with asthma - helpful in many ways)
• Better overall "presence" (you learn how to walk and stand well)
• An improved ability to listen and to hear
• Greater self-knowledge (singing can help those who wonder, "what is self-esteem?")
• Better use of the voice, both in speaking and in singing
• Stronger communication skills

...and much more

singing tips


If you want to become a professional singer - you will need to develop a wide range of talents and abilities. Perhaps the most important quality, aside from having a voice, is the willingness to persist. It's an old saying, but none the less true. You've got to be able to "hang in there" for the long term.

Read The Seven Points of Power - For A Singer - which tells you about some of the most important qualities you need to devlop in order to make singing your life and livelihood.

"The Seven Points Of Power - For Singers."

But for those who want to sing for fun ("just for myself"), exploring how to sing offers the opportunity to learn a lot about yourself and what YOU have to offer the world through song, without the additional stress of having to make a living.


I will be writing many stories and articles on this site that will give you details on the issue of "how to sing."

You can learn about your vocal cords - how they function (causes of sore throat and laryngitis). Read here about laryngitis

And for those of you who have asked me, "how do I breathe?" I talk about a singer's approach to breathing - and offer you a few simple exercises. How Do I Breathe?

Please understand that breathing to sing is not a great mystery. You must learn to control your breathing muscles so that the air goes out in a more controlled manner than when you are speaking. Click here for an MP3 audio file where I guide you through a BREATHING EXERCISE.

how to sing with power


One aspect of singing that is not talked about a great deal in most lessons is the idea of singing with purpose. Simply put, I ask singers what it is that they wish to communicate to the world?

What do you believe in? What do you stand for?

I talk with a student about the things that are very important to them: the Environment? Politics? Children? World Peace? Community? Then we choose music that suits that person's unique perspective on life.

I call this "singing from the point of power." See the link above to read "The Seven Points of Power - For Singers."

Some voice problems can likely be solved by singing music that allows our emotions to really take wing. I believe that we sing much better - that our bodies suffer less stress and greater freedom when we are in harmony with the music that comes out of us.

And to that end, I also suggest that singers learn about the benefits of meditation. Watch for new articles on all these issues in the days to come.

Make Big Plans. Take Small Steps. Follow Your Dream!

I wish you great singing,

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