Holiday Gifts For Guys Who Love To Sing!

It can be a challenge to find holiday gifts for guys. But if your "guy" (father, lover, brother, son..) loves to sing, then here is the perfect gift for him!

Wouldn't it be fun to give a gift that is inexpensive, but totally unique and truly meaningful to the person you care about? (Take a look at the video above!)

"GET STARTED ON YOUR DREAM!" (US$9.95) is a simple, fun way to give your "guy" a gentle boost toward doing something he has always wanted to do, SING!

"GET STARTED ON YOUR DREAM!" contains an E-Guide and a 20-minute vocal warm-up (an MP3) that leads the hopeful singer, step by step, into the world of singing.

I explain the hows and why of getting started. And I answer some of the biggest questions (and doubts) that beginning adult singers tend to worry about:

• I really want to sing, but I am too old!
• What about my health?
• What will my friends (and relatives) say?
• But I don’t hear as well as I used to. And to sing, I have to hear well, right?
• Could I consider having a “career” this late in my life?
• How do I find a good teacher?
• What can I expect at a lesson?
• What do I need to bring with me to a lesson?
• How much work will this take?
• What If I want to learn to sing by using one of the better known singing courses on CD or DVD?
• Okay. So how do I get started? What do I do first?

Singing is a great pleasure for many people, but it can also be a step toward better health, as well.

Holiday Gifts For Guys That Can Bring Unexpected Benefits

Here are but some of the many benefits from taking singing lessons:
• You learn how to stand with greater confidence and poise. (You look taller.)
•Your breathing changes – deepens. Your speaking voice becomes more powerful.
• You discover shades of feeling that you never knew you had.
• You learn how to express those feelings through song.
• You find the courage to sing in front of others; to present yourself with greater ease
• You can walk into a crowded room with greater ease
In short, you become more fully yourself!

Here is a short video about GET STARTED ON YOUR DREAM! from Barbara Lewis at Singing After Forty.

I wish all of your guys great singing!

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