Mothers Day Gift Ideas For Mothers Who Love Singing!

mothers day gift ideas

Are you looking for a few Mothers Day Gift Ideas that are unique?

Perhaps you are willing to consider two ideas that will take some creativity on your part?

Great! Your Mom is fortunate to have had you... And clearly, you love her.

To decide about these music-oriented mothers day gift ideas, do some thinking about your Mother's desires. Probe a little bit to find out the kinds of things she would love to do with her creative life.

If she is a closet singer, you will likely know. Perhaps you have heard her singing around the house or in the shower. Maybe she mentioned singing to you with that look in her eye...

Or maybe she has kept her desires to herself. So, ask her if she has any creative hopes and dreams. And if singing is one of those dreams, I've got two GREAT ideas for you!

As a singer and vocal coach for many years, I have seen many mothers walk into my studio after waiting for years until their kids were grown up enough - or until they had the courage to begin to live their dream to sing.

It is for this kind of person that I have created my Get Started On Your Dream To Sing Guide.

Hw to sing Better - Mothers Day gift Ideas

This E-Guide comes with a simple, fun, 20-minute warm-up session on MP3.

Both the guide and the MP3 are easy to download and save on your computer. (You can print out the PDF file, if you like.) Then on her birthday, you can transfer the PDF and MP3 to your Mom's computer or she can re-download the items to her own computer.

Mothers Day Gift Ideas - #2 - Help Her To Take The Plunge!

Maybe you would like to take it one step further. Guide your Mother into the modern world of singing with a package of 3 ONLINE SINGING LESSONS!

A powerful and personal way to begin learning how to sing is to enjoy these one-one-one lessons with an expert who has specialized in teaching Singers Over Forty for many years.

These 3 online lessons will give your Mom a good taste for what it is like to take singing lessons with a pro. After she has done this, she may want to begin taking private lessons with a teacher who lives in your local area.

Think your Mother might be shy? Here are a few words about that...

My Trio Package of lessons is a powerful way to launch a dreaming singer, gently into musical action!

My best to you in your search for a memorable Mother's Day Gift!

Barbara Lewis Music

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