Unique Holiday Gifts For Those Who Dream Of Singing!

Here are two unique holiday gifts that are sure to get YOU or someone you love - singing.

1. Get Started On Your Dream To Sing!

2. Special Holiday Trio Package of Online Lessons!

I can’t tell you the number of times that audience members (both men and women), have come to me after a concert to tell me that “secretly” they have always wanted to sing.

Perhaps they dreamed about it in their younger years. Maybe they began to study and learn about singing as teens. But then along came another career opportunity or marriage or motherhood and singing took a backseat and then exited the car altogether!

Professional pianists have admitted the same desire to me; as have doctors, social workers, marketing specialists, guitar players, massage therapists… The list goes on. I tell them what I am going to tell you. If you love to sing: “Sing Now! Begin Now.”

And here is one of those unique holiday gifts that I know you will find valuable if you have always wanted to sing and you need a little boost.

I've created a singing guide called, “Get Started On Your Dream!”

that will:

1. Inspire and inform the hopeful singer (You? or someone you love?) about how to get out there and get started...

2. Take you by the hand (so to speak) as you begin your first singing exercises and then sing through an easy, but beautiful song.

This is nothing scary about this process! First you read about the whys and hows of singing... I make suggestions about how to get started without fear or embarrassment. And then in the comfort of your own home, you sing along with a wonderful melodious song!

As far as unique holidays gifts go, Get Started On Your Dream, is an unusual kind of offering to give to a friend or family member. It is inexpensive, but very meaningful, as it sends a person down a new road that can lead to great joy and musical pleasure!


If you would like to add an extra boost to your gift - consider my special holiday package of 3 half-hour lessons: Special Trio Package. The recipient of this unique gift will be in touch with me at his/her leisure to set up a time for the first video lesson.

The Trio Package makes a great gift:

- For someone who has always wanted to sing, but never had the opportunity to make it happen

- For someone who wonders if they really do have a good voice

- For people who want to find out if they truly want to pursue a career in singing

- For parents of talented children who want to find out if their child is serious about learning to sing

- For people who don't have access to a good professional vocal coach in their area

- For a singer who needs a burst of new ideas about their voice

- For someone who is preparing for an audition and needs just a few lessons to give them extra confidence

- For someone who is coming back to singing after a long time away and needs a little advice about what songs to sing and how to do a good vocal warm-up


And here is an invitation to YOU - if you'd like to keep up with the singing world...

Learn All About Singing!

Subscribe to my weekly newsletter, HOT VOCAL TIPS FOR SMART SINGERS! for singers of all ages - that will bring you Insider Tips, Vocal Secrets & Helpful Tools.

Learn about singing, songwriting, performing, vocal health, audition tips and much more to help you become a much better singer - PLUS Two Unique & Free Gifts.

I Wish You Great Singing!

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gifts for singers

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