Vocal Coach Singing Teacher, Barbara Lewis - Latest News! June, 2016

Vocal Coach Singing Teacher, Barbara Lewis now has two teaching studios in Montreal. She will teach both on the West Island of Montreal (Ile Bizard) and in the Plateau in downtown Montreal.

Barbara is offering 5-Lesson packages (45-minutes per lesson) 
A group of short-term lessons are helpful to those who may want to:

1. Enjoy a quick vocal boost to gain confidence.

2. Master one or two songs for an audition

3. Get a quick infusion of new vocal ideas

4. Work out a specific vocal problem

5. Give a GIFT of 5 Lessons to a friend or family member 

You can contact vocal coach singing teacher, Barbara Lewis here: barbara@barbaralewis.com

Why seek a Vocal Coach Singing Teacher?

Why take singing lessons?

I have often received e-mail from adult singers who wonder if it is too late for them to take up singing. My answer is a very firm, “No way!”

Here is what one man wrote about his “early-mid-life” singing dreams: “At forty six I have come to realize that if you truly enjoy the moment, then you are living life right. Singing makes me be a better person. Since I have taken singing seriously, I have quit smoking and drinking and now jog to get the best high ever!” – Richard Smith

The above quote came from a person who had viewed one of my singing instruction videos on Youtube and left a public message. But he is just one of many who experience these kinds of epiphanies through the act of learning how to sing.

Over my 30 years of vocal coaching, I have watched many shy beginners grow into much more confident, poised and naturally expressive individuals. I have seen people with bad stutters lift their voices in fluid song. Others, who found it very hard to express strong feelings have discovered the courage to sing about their deepest emotions. Clearly, learning how to sing well can bring great joy to life.

As a way of encouraging those would-be singers who have written to me with their doubts, I have put together a few answers to several of the most commonly asked questions. 

If YOU are wondering about taking some lessons or joining a choir, perhaps these words will bring you the encouragement you need in order to take action!

You can contact me here: barbara@barbaralewis.com

I wish you great singing!
My best to you,

You can contact Barbara Lewis here: barbara@barbaralewis.com

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gifts for singers

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